Monday, January 11, 2010

Come what may

I'm a philosopher. I like to figure out what I'm thinking, why I'm thinking that, and how it all works in the greater spectrum. I am a thinker.

Every year at New Year's, Randy and I sit down and discuss the year previous, the year to come and I start to hem and haw about my resolutions, or more like reminders. I remind myself little things like: move more, eat less, drink more water. I remind myself about bigger things: organization is a good thing, one that lessens stress and relaxes the whole house. I remind myself of even bigger things: we get one go at this world, and do I really want to spend it in hurry and bustle all the time? Then I go to the big Guy and start talking about the stuff that really matters -


How are my relationships with family - immediate and extended? What have I been doing to facilitate friendships - both here and there? What have I been doing to keep my lines open with the big Gun? What have I been doing? what have I been being? What am I? Who am I?

And you see where it goes from there.

So each year, spurred from Ali Edwards, I choose a word. Some sort of reminder of all these pieces of life that I want to keep in the right order of priority for the year.

Each year, about April, I refresh and revisit - at Easter. Then about the middle of summer....the word is done.

So I've decided to change the pattern this year.

I will still revisit all those essentials and maybe put some new patterns into practice, but I'm going to let life come.

Come what may.

I know, Moulin Rouge - but really, it works here. Just let life come, worry less, invest more, love on the boys more, and relax.

It is a gift to be here. It is a gift to be healthy, in a house, employed, with family, have stuff - too much in most cases - and to be in a place where relationship...Relationship is always available, always supportive, and always loving.

So come what may.


Heather said...

Excellent perspective.

Tim said...

Very well said... and a great reminder of that which is important!